EIMA Energy: biomass and ecological transition

A workshop on the H2020 project 'BRANCHES', which fosters good practices in this sector, was held as part of the International Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery in Bologna.

The awareness of the seriousness of the situation, highlighted by the recent worrying increase in extreme climate phenomena and the exponential growth in the cost of energy, calls for the immediate activation of all measures to put into practice the Fit for 55% package (target for 2030 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990) and zero emissions by 2050 (policy document known as the New Green Deal). These ambitious targets require the adoption of circular economy solutions to protect nature and biodiversity and to ensure a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system. Regarding energy in particular, it is clear that the goal of a climate-neutral Europe in 2050 can only be achieved with a significant growth of all renewable sources, both for electricity generation and for thermal and transport uses. In this perspective, a central role is to be played by bioenergy, whose current share of production (around 10% of total energy consumption) will have to be increased to double by 2050. To date, the greatest obstacles lie in the political and cultural realms, and for this reason, as part of the Enery Show, ITABIA - Italian Biomass Association and CNR IBE (Institute for the Bioeconomy) held an important workshop yesterday on some good bioeconomy practices selected thanks to the H2020 Project "BRANCHES" (www.branchesproject.eu). This project aims to disseminate technological innovation to make biomass-related supply chains more efficient, and to create new business opportunities in rural areas by facilitating links between the business world and the world of scientific research. With a view to extending knowledge transfer to a growing number of stakeholders, the workshop took place in close collaboration with the CREA PB National Rural Network, which supports the interaction of the Operating Groups within the PEI-AGRI initiative. Thanks to the database of the Operational Groups present throughout the country, which can be consulted within the Innovarurale Portal (www.innovarurale.it), the National Rural Network represents an excellent observatory of virtuous initiatives to be disseminated. The exchange of experiences among experts in this vast and promising sector stimulated an interesting debate at the end of the workshop.

The latest FederUnacoma press releases


Agricultural Machinery Industry: New Synergies to Tackle Markets

The Vice President of Confindustria, Maurizio Marchesini, the Deputy Secretary-General of FAO, Maurizio Martina, the President of ICE, Matteo Zoppas, and the economic analyst, Gabriele Pinosa, discuss strategies to address the new geography of agricultural production and agri-mechanical commerce. The assembly concludes with a message from the Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, highlighting the incentive system and announcing the G7 Meeting of Agriculture as an opportunity to promote Italian agricultural and agri-mechanical products.

"Machines for peace", FederUnacoma at the G7 Agricultural Summit

The year 2023 ends with a decline in tractor sales, but with an increase in revenue due to higher manufacturing costs. India remains the leader in terms of the number of units, while the United States and Europe record declines in sales, with a more substantial decrease observed in China. Climatic variables, as well as geopolitical factors, are increasingly crucial in different regions of the world.

Tractors: Sales Decline by 19% in the First 5 Months of the Year

The domestic market for agricultural machinery continues to decline. From tractors (-19.2%) to combine harvesters (-40%) and telescopic handlers (-28.3%), all types of agricultural machinery have seen a significant decline in sales compared to the same period in 2023. The decline is attributed to the reduction of 4.0 incentives, delays in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), and the stagnation of agricultural incomes.

Agricultural Machinery: Italian Production Exceeds 16 Billion

Exports drive the national industry to its highest value ever. The quantities produced remain slightly below the average of recent years, but the increase in list prices boosts revenue. Europe consolidates itself as the main market for made-in-Italy technologies, followed by the United States.

Italian Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Federation
Digital System and technologies for Agricultural Machinery and Farming
Irrigation Systems
Italian Implements Manufacturers Association
Italian Self-Propelled Machinery Manufacturers Association
Italian Tractors Manufacturers Association
Italian Components Manufacturers Association
Italian Garden Machinery Manufacturers Association